general impression we are getting from twitter and IRL is really glowing
feedback from everyone that attended CryptopartyLondon3, we smashed it! however were
wondering about getting some kind of structured feedback... so please send us tweets with suggestions. But at the
end of the day, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and that makes all
the difference.
We will, however, email out a feedback form (the the option to be anonymous) so people can provide feedback in the way they want to. :)
Friday, 14 December 2012
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Encrypt All The Things! #cryptoparty

Have a look at some of the articles that have been written there. Here is one about firefox config
Here is another about stripping EXIF data (useful when you want to upload photos more privately)
It will be a sincere pleasure to see lots of people coming to the London Cryptoparty. See you there! #cryptoparty
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
We're glad you liked CryptopartyLondon

Thanks to everyone that attended the event, it was a great success. Since it was our main aim that people had fun, we are very glad that so many turned up and had a good time. We have yet to have our organisers post-event debrief but we just wanted to keep in touch in the meantime by spamming you with some links :)
Edit us: (has the slides)
Like us: (so the whole world knows that you want to learn how to hack, joking)
Follow @cryptopartylond
p.s. there is another one planned for 19th October.
p.p.s. we are happy to promote any blog posts or upload user-contributed content related to cryptoparty so please send us any graphics, presentations, slides, pdfs, blog posts or photos. Thanks!
Friday, 28 September 2012
Thanks to Cardiff Cryptoparty, now on to London
Also the Online meeting was a big success. We did have some problems trying to walk 40 people through setup of complex software on different platforms, on just voice chat. This as a format may not have worked as well as we hoped, although a general discussion of the issues within the group proved way more successful, and I think everyone learned a lot and we can build on this , I hope we can build on this.
Now onto the London event. We've had a massive response, and we're looking to cram 135 people into the space at google campus. I'm pretty sure this is going to be the biggest one so far, and we really look forward to seeing you all there. Sadly all the tickets are now given out, we just can't fit any more in. If you are disapointed please follow us on twitter (@cryptopartylond) and if there are any more spaces that become available, we'll make sure information gets out there.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Cryptoparties are popular, so we started an online one
Well, where do I start.
Since announcing the first London Cryptoparty last week, we quickly
realised the space we had booked at the London Hackspace was way too
small for our needs, so we quickly rearranged to use the google
There seems to be a bit
of irony that we're using the google campus as a venue for a
Cryptoparty, given that google are one of the biggest data collectors
in the big brother society. However, the essence of the Cryptoparty
is to reveal only what you wish to reveal. In a city like London,
there are cameras everywhere. Wherever we go, we will be watched and
filmed and recorded. In this situation, why not take our campaign
into the belly of the beast, so to speak, and show them we aren't
afraid of them, and we can beat them at their own game.
There is one concern we
had using the google campus. Everyone coming will have to give a
name, and we greatly encourage you to not make that your real name,
although please be a bit more creative than Mickey Mouse or Donald
Duck. We can get away with a lot, but they aren't complete idiots.
We have already had over half the maximum allocation taken for this
event, so please register fast to avoid disappointment. Once the
tickets do sell out, we will be running a waiting list in case of
people dropping out.
Another exciting
addition recently is the Online Cryptoparty. This came about over a
conversation on the Occpytalk Mumble platform on the subject. It
turns out there are a lot of people who don't live in the locality of
a Cryptoparty, or don't have enough local support to set one up.
This will take place on Wednesday 26th September, and will
be mainly focused as a skills sharing workshop, and making sure
everyone has the tools and knowledge to be able to stay safe online.
Everyone is welcome to attend this, and hopefully this can become a
regular meeting.
I'm sure a lot of the
workshops for both live and online Cryptopartys will seem very basic
to people who have experience with cryptography and safety techniques
before, but this has to be the case, and I urge everyone with any
experience to be on hand to help people out. Certainly the online
party will focus on the most basic systems at first, but we aim for
this to become a regular event, with more advanced techniques being
discussed at later events, when everyone has mastered the basics.
Monday, 10 September 2012
First London Cryptoparty Confirmed
29th Septermber, London Hackspace
Hi everyone, welcome to
the first blogpost from the London cryptoparty. We've seen a growing
international movement recently to meet with people interested in
protecting their data and to exchange keys and information on how to
make encryption more accessible to the general population
We live in a world
where our communications and our lives are increasingly monitored by
not just the government, but private corporations and even local
councils are generating databases on our personal communications. We
need encryption more and more in our daily lives to keep ourselves
protected from prying eyes.
As a response to this
and other similar actions around the globe, a bunch of London hackers
have banded together to help share their knowledge with the rest of
society how to use the tools available to them, to help protect their
personal data from prying eyes.
Encryption is a tool,
and like any tool if we use it incorrectly, it won't work. This is
becoming an increasing problem with new people attempting to protect
their data and falling into the same traps. Badly used encryption is
far more dangerous that none at all, as we see people falling into a
false sense of security, thinking they are protected, when actually
the truth is they are exposing all the data they want protected.
Some people may say
that if we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to fear, but this is
a notion that has been discredited time and again. In an information
age, corporations and governments value our data and its crazy that
the rest of the population value it so little. Your data is freedom
to corporations and governments that want to make changes they want
through manipulation. What happens when government bans your
favourite hobby? With your profile, they will know exactly where to
find you. What happens when you want to sue a large corporation?
With your data they can find many things to try to discredit you in
court. There are many more examples where we need to value our lives
and keep them from organisations that want to spy on us.
For this end we will be
running a workshop and tutorial for those that wish to learn basic
online safety techniques and swap keys at the London Hackspace on
Saturday 29th September at 7:30pm. We hope you can join
us there, for updates follow this blog, or follow @crysison
@samthetechie and @cryptopartylond on twitter
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