Thanks to everyone that attended the event, it was a great success. Since it was our main aim that people had fun, we are very glad that so many turned up and had a good time. We have yet to have our organisers post-event debrief but we just wanted to keep in touch in the meantime by spamming you with some links :)
Edit us: https://cryptoparty.org/wiki/London (has the slides)
Like us: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoPartyLondon (so the whole world knows that you want to learn how to hack, joking)
Follow @cryptopartylond
p.s. there is another one planned for 19th October.
p.p.s. we are happy to promote any blog posts or upload user-contributed content related to cryptoparty so please send us any graphics, presentations, slides, pdfs, blog posts or photos. Thanks!
p.p.p.s. http://samthetechie.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/a-quick-retrospective-inaugural.html